Interaction Tree Specifications: A Framework for Specifying Recursive, Effectful Computations That Supports Auto-Active Verification
Lucas Silver, Eddy Westbrook, Matthew Yacavone, and
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This paper presents a specification framework for monadic, recursive, interactive programs that supports auto-active verification, an approach that combines user-provided guidance with automatic verification techniques. This verification tool is designed to have the flexibility of a manual approach to verification along with the usability benefits of automatic approaches. We accomplish this by augmenting Interaction Trees, a Coq datastructure for representing effectful computations, with logical quantifier events. We show that this yields a language of specifications that are easy to understand, automatable, and are powerful enough to handle properties that involve non-termination. Our framework is implemented as a library in Coq. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this framework by verifying real, low-level code.