Lucas Silver

Formal Verification Researcher


Welcome! My name is Lucas Silver, and I am a Computer Science researcher at JHU APL. Previously, I was a PhD student and a Postdoc researcher working with Steve Zdancewic at the University of Pennsylvania. I study formal verification, the science of making sure programs do exactly what they are supposed to.

selected publications

  1. dmf.png
    Dijkstra Monads Forever: Termination-Sensitive Specifications for Interaction Trees
    Lucas Silver, and Steve Zdancewic
    Proc. ACM Program. Lang., Jan 2021
  2. itreespec.png
    Interaction Tree Specifications: A Framework for Specifying Recursive, Effectful Computations That Supports Auto-Active Verification
    Lucas Silver, Eddy Westbrook, Matthew Yacavone, and 1 more author
    Jan 2023
  3. itreesec.png
    Semantics for Noninterference with Interaction Trees
    Lucas Silver, Paul He, Ethan Cecchetti, and 2 more authors
    Jan 2023
  4. dissertation.png
    Interaction Trees and Formal Specifications
    Lucas Silver
    University of Pennsylvania, Jan 2023