

  • 2023
    University of Pennsylvania
    • Computer Science
      • Programming Languages
      • Formal Verification
    • Advisor
      • Steve Zdancewic
  • 2019
    Cornell University
    • Computer Science Major
    • Math Minor


  • 2019 - 2023
    University of Pennsylvania
    PhD Researcher
    • Researched Interaction Trees, a novel programming language semantics tool
      • Developed, and published a POPL paper on, a framework for rich programming languages using Interaction Trees. This framework adapted ideas from the Dijkstra Monad literature.
      • Developed, and published an ECOOP paper on, a framework for reasoning about noninterference in programs represented with Interaction Trees.
  • 2022
    Galois Inc
    Research Intern
    • Developed programming logic amenable to automation for the output of the Heapster translation tool, a key step towards building an efficient verification pipeline for low-level, heap-manipulating programs.
    • Published an ECOOP paper about this work in with full time Galois employees, helping to establish the technology's credibility.
    • Aided in further developement of Heapster translation tool.
  • 2019
    Pure Storage
    Software Development Intern
    • Developed web analytics framework for analyzing user interactions with storage management frontend.
  • 2018
    Akamai Technologies
    Software Development Intern
    • Developed Java Annotation Processor to produce RAML API documentation from commented Spring code managing a customer facing website.
  • 2017
    BGC Partners/Cantor Fitzgerald
    Software Development Intern
    • Devloped framework and functional prototype for a reference data system designed to allow employees to log and view information on trades.


  • Proof Assistants
    • Coq
    • Agda
    • Lean
  • Programming Languages
    • OCaml
    • Haskell
    • F*
    • Java
    • Python
    • Typescript